Monday, February 22, 2010

22nd February 2010,My Story

Monday,working day for me.It started good.........well at least better than Sunday.Plenty of work as two days of holiday and so all pending work needed to be virus scanning,sending the burnt HDD to workshop,also my colleague "Pandeji" was preparing to go to INDIA for holiday.

A personal note:I feel jealous,he can go home and enjoy.............

Connie was still not feeling good so i prepared some soup for her,and i was very happy to see that she was feeling better and smilling,she has the most amazing smile........when we were having soup and chatting,Mark the Frenchman came back from his Holidays.It was great to see him again.As i returned to work in the afternoon after saying goodbye to pandeji,it started raining,the whole afternoon it rained and it continued till night and so my plan of washing and drying my clothes were washed away by rain.

As on Sunday the evening was boring and lonely,on Monday it got exiting and fun,as we all gather in the Tukol.Sahnnon Prepared tasty spaghetti,connie,who was back to her old self shredded some mozzarella cheese.After Dinner Mark took out his Guitar and played some good tune of good songs and we enjoyed the evening drinking beer and soda.

Late atNight, Connie got a real smile on her face when Nurse Sahnnon allowed her to drink beer,man she was so overjoyed,smiling and it felt great to see her like this.

Later we were joined by "The Runaway bride",Oh yea i didn't tell you all about her.Hewr nema eis Shiila,she is a great person to be with,she is very friendly,hillarious and always on the move.She never stays intorit for more than a week,thus the name "Runaway bride" is Knighted to her.

After 10 i retired as i was sleepy but calls from Khartoum and Mumbai kept me awake and so i decided to join the party.At this moment the party had changed as the big drink(Smirnoff) was brought out and Shiila was quite pleased as she prefers it more than beer.

Well at about 11.30 the party got over and we all retired.

so all in all an awesome day with friends and off course at work.

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